Men's Health

Order Silagra Without Prescription

Order Silagra Online no Prescription

Silagra (generic name: sildenafil citrate) is a popular ED treatment.

Silagra is manufactured by Cipla and is a generic equivalent of Viagra.

Sildenafil citrate, the active ingredient in Silagra works by relaxing blood vessels in the penis. As a result one can achieve and sustain an erection necessary for a successful intercourse.

Silagra Recommendations

Follow the directions for using this medicine provided by your doctor. Take your medicine exactly as directed.

Silagra Precautions

Tell your doctor before taking Silagra, if:

you are allergic to any medicines;
you are taking any nitrate-containing drugs; or amyl nitrite;
have heart or blood vessel problems; or any disease or deformity of your penis.

Silagra Ingredients

Active ingredient: sildenafil citrate.

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