Skin Care

Order Accutane Without Prescription

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Accutane (generic name: Isotretinoin; brand names: Amnesteem / Claravis / Decutan / Isotane / Sotret / Oratane / Roaccutane / Izotek) is a retinoid (a vitamin A derivative).

Accutane is a powerful medicine used for the treatment of moderate to severe acne.

Is also used for acne present for many years that has not responded completely to antibiotic pills and creams. Accutane is very effective for nearly all types of breakouts. No other acne medicine works as well for severe acne.

Accutane was discovered in 1979 when it was first given to patients with severe acne, most of whom reacted with dramatic and permanent clearing of their acne symptoms.

It was originally prescribed for people with severe acne that did not respond to other treatments, but has gained in popularity in the past years and is prescribed more and more frequently for less severe acne.

Three to five months of Accutane treatment usually leads to clearing of acne.

Accutane works by reducing skin oil production, changing the characteristics of the skin oil, and preventing abnormal hardening of the skin.

It affects all of the four ways that acne develops:

1. It dramatically reduces the size of the skin's oil glands (35%-58%) and even more dramatically reduces the amount of oil the skin produces (around 80%).

2. Acne bacteria (P. Acnes) lives in skin oil. Since oil is so dramatically reduced, so is the amount of acne bacteria in the skin.

3. It also slows down how fast the skin produces skin cells inside the pore which helps pores from becoming clogged in the first place.

4. It displays anti-inflammatory properties.

Accutane works to achieve complete or partial clearance of acne in about 95% of people who complete a cycle, regardless of whether they have inflammatory or non-inflammatory acne.

Accutane Recommendations

Follow the directions for using this medicine provided by your doctor. Take Accutane exactly as directed.

Accutane is a serious medication which must be taken under close doctor's supervision.

Take Accutane by mouth with food.

Swallow the capsule with a full glass of water or other liquid. Do not break, crush, chew, or suck on the capsule before swallowing. This will help prevent the medication inside the capsule from irritating your throat.

For best results, take Accutane regularly. Taking Accutane at the same time each day will help you remember to take it. Sometimes, acne can get worse at the start of treatment, but this should resolve in 7 - 10 days.

It is very important that women taking Accutane do not get pregnant. Contraception is needed at least 1 month before starting treatment, during treatment, and for at least 1 month after stopping treatment.

Do not take vitamin supplements that contain vitamin A whilst taking Accutane.

If you miss a dose of Accutane, take it as soon as possible. If it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and go back to your regular dosing schedule. Do not take 2 doses at once.
Ask your health care provider any questions you may have about how to use Accutane.

Store Accutane in a cool, dry place, away from direct heat and light.

Accutane Precautions

Before taking Accutane, tell your doctor if:

you are allergic to any medicines;
you have liver problems; high cholesterol levels in the blood; or you are currently taking antibiotics;
you are pregnant, intend to become pregnant or are breast-feeding.

Accutane Ingredients

Active ingredient: isotretinoin.

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