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Virginia Home Repair Handyman Service

Virginia Home Repair Handyman Service


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Get Ready For Patio Season!

Outdoor Patio Cleaning

Patio Season is Here!

Outdoor living has become very popular.  Stylish fire-pits , fireplaces and outdoor propane heaters have extended the time we spend on our patios.  As a result, every patio requires some maintenance and proper upkeep, especially after the winter.  It is easy to ignore routine cleaning and allow items to accumulate in any room or area that is not used year round. Continue reading

Posted in Eco-Friendly Home Improvements, Green Handyman Services, Green Living, Handyman, Handyman Services, Living Green, Outdoor Living | Leave a comment


Ceiling Fans

Ceiling Fans are stylish and energy efficient!

Electricity is expensive and everyone wants to lower both their heating and air conditioning bill. Lowering your electricity bill can be as simple as adding a ceiling fan.  Warm air rises and accumulates at your ceiling.  By running your ceiling fan in the winter clockwise

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, you push the warm air collected at the ceiling down to you.  As a result, you lower your heating costs.  By running your ceiling fan counterclockwise in summer, you pull warm air towards your ceiling.  Also consider opening a window.  Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Home Improvements, Ceiling Fans, Eco-Friendly Home Improvements, Energy Efficient Ceiling Fans, Green Handyman Services, Green Home Improvements, Green Home Repair, Green Living, Living Green | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment





Professional TV Installation

Virginia Home Repair specializes in Professional TV Installation

Getting a new TV to watch the Super  Bowl?  Here are some  helpful tips to consider when purchasing a new TV.



When purchasing large electronics like a TV

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, always look for Energy Star equipment for the best energy efficiency.   The energy choices you make are important and determine how much money you save on your energy bills. Being energy efficient does not have to be expensive or inconvenient.  It means making better and informed choices when purchasing items for your home. Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Home Improvements, Eco-Friendly Home Improvements, Energy Star TV, Green Home Improvements, Green Living, Professional TV Installer, TV Installation | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment



"WHO" Repairs Your Home MATTERS!

Your Handyman needs to be a Class A Licensed General Contractor… and here’s why. Your home is the one of the largest single investments you make in a life time.  As a result, it makes sense to hire an expert when deciding to repair or improve your home.   By selecting a Class A General Contractor who performs Handyman Services, you get the wealth of building knowledge and experience combined with financial stability. Continue reading

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New Exterior Doors. Your Key to Lower Energy Bills

  • Exterior doors that are old, not properly air sealed, or not properly installed can


    Save Money with New Exterior Energy Efficient Doors

    significantly contribute to air leakage and heat transfer

  • Replace older doors in your home with energy efficient doors. This will lower your heating and cooling costs
  • Upgrade to energy efficient doors between your garage and the main living space and for doors leading to a breezeway or patio
  • Adding a storm door can reduce energy costs on average from 30 to 50%

You may need a replacement door or simply more effective weather stripping.  Weather stripping comes in a variety of shapes

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, sizes and materials. Proper weather stripping around doors reduces air leaks and will lower your energy bill.   Look for a qualified Energy Expert who can show you the most cost effective and most energy efficient way to eliminate air leakage and heat transfer through your exterior doors.  Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Home Improvements, Doors, Eco-Friendly Home Improvements, Energy Efficient Doors, Exterior Doors, Green Handyman Services, Green Home Improvements, Green Home Repair, Green Living, Handyman, Handyman Services, Home Sealing, Living Green | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment



At some point, every home needs a Handyman.  A Professional Handyman can help when you do not own the right tools for the job, when you lack the knowledge and experience to make the repair or when you are too busy and need the work done now.  Here are a few tips to help you find a qualified and reputable Professional Handyman. Continue reading

Posted in EPA Certified Renovation Firm, EPA Lead Certified, Green Handyman Services, Handyman, Handyman Services, Tips For Hiring A Handyman | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Make Your Home Energy Efficient By Reducing Air Leaks

Energy Efficient Windows

Save Money with New Energy Efficient Windows

You can make your home more energy efficient by looking for holes, gaps, and cracks around your home. These areas are not always obvious, but they are there, allowing conditioned air out in the summer and heated air out in the winter. The potential energy savings from reducing drafts through professional home sealing may be as much as 10% according to the U.S. Department of Energy. Air leaks waste energy and make it more expensive for you to keep your home a comfortable temperature. The best solution is to use caulk in these areas because the caulk forms a flexible seal. Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Home Improvements, Air Leaks, Caulk, Eco-Friendly Home Improvements, Energy Efficient Windows, Green Handyman Services, Green Home Improvements, Green Home Repair, Green Living, Handyman, Handyman Services, Home Sealing, Living Green, Windows | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Insulation Makes A Big Difference

By properly insulating your home, you make your home more comfortable while reducing your heating and cooling costs.  Insulation is extremely effective because it provides resistance to heat flow.  The more heat flow resistance your insulation provides, the lower your cooling and heating costs.  Proper insulation is equally important in the summer as it is in the winter.  For best energy efficiency, your home needs to be properly insulated from the foundation to its roof.  There are several different types of insulation including rigid foam board, spray foam insulation, fiberglass batt, and  cellulose.  Each insulation type has unique properties making it suitable for some areas and less effective in others. Typically older homes have significantly less insulation than homes built today.  Newer homes can also benefit from adding insulation which often pays for itself over time through energy savings. Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Home Improvements, Eco-Friendly Home Improvements, Green Handyman Services, Green Home Improvements, Green Home Repair, Green Living, Insulation, Living Green, Water Heater | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

SAVE Money with Energy Efficient Windows

GO GREEN and SAVE MONEY with Energy Efficient Windows

Because windows typically comprise 10 to 25% of the exterior wall area of your home

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, energy savings begin with energy efficient windows.  New windows can lower your energy costs and give your home a new and updated look.   The energy savings from new energy efficient windows can be significant.  Here’s why:

energy efficient windows

Great Windows Are Beautiful And Energy Efficient

  • In hot climates, windows can account for up to 25% of a typical homes heating load
  • In cooler climates, windows can account for up to 50% of the cooling load
  • Install standard double pane windows. An average home saves up to $111 per year in energy costs
  • Replace standard windows with Energy Star Windows. An average home saves up to $465 per year
  • Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Home Improvements, Eco-Friendly Home Improvements, Green Handyman Services, Green Home Improvements, Green Home Repair, Green Living, Living Green, Windows | Tagged , , | Leave a comment